Top 10 Reasons to Run a 5k!

Ever consider running a 5k?

Here are my Top 10 Reasons to Run a 5k!  Benefits of Running!

  1. Having a GOAL to strive for keeps you MOTIVATED to keep exercising!
  2. Preparing for and completing a race will give you a new CONFIDENCE that you can do ANYTHING!
  3. HEALTH benefits are numerous!  
  4. HAPPINESS -- exercise is AT LEAST as effective as prescription anti-depressant drugs!
  5. Little GEAR -- just need a pair of shoes and a comfortable outfit!
  6. No gym membership necessary, no gym class schedules to try to coordinate with your own busy schedule, no driving necessary (save on time and gas!).
  8. Over the course of a training program, you can listen to the audio of a BOOK you've been hoping to read, or a podcast season you enjoy! 
  9. An opportunity to DONATE to a cause you believe in!
  10. Get a cool t-shirt, and for bigger races, party at after the finish line!
  11. BONUS!  Once in SHAPE, you can PLAY a SPORT you LOVE -- without getting injured!

COMMENTS: What race are you going to sign up for?

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