Simple, but it's a challenge for me!
Fresh-You Challenge #3: HYDRATE!
Healthy Hydration! |
Two things come to mind:
a) SLEEP, and
For the next month, (to the race and beyond!), I am going to focus on drinking more!
8 c ~ 64oz fluid per day |
WRITE on my Do It Now (Most Important Things) list each day!
DRINK small cups to maximize absorption!
ADD CHIA to any drink will also increase absorption!
My Favorite Benefits
Benefits of Drinking Enough! |
Exercise seems easier!
Glowing, soft skin
Fresh breath
Headache prevention
Boosts energy (2.6% reduction in hydration can double feelings of fatigue)
More Benefits Highlighted on Dr Oz
Maintain healthy weight - reduce hunger
Alleviate asthma symptoms - thins mucus
Help with allergies - flushes body of irritants
Tangy Green Drink |
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